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Frith Manor School

Learning in the Early Years

EYFS Curriculum Intent

At Frith Manor we follow the Early Years Curriculum (September 2021). We use the Educational Programmes, set out in the EYFS Framework, as a guide to plan children’s activities and experiences in all seven areas of learning. We also refer to Development Matters, the government’s non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We teach the curriculum incorporating our school values of friendship, resilience, independence, teamwork and honesty.

In our EYFS we value a sense of belonging - we welcome children in and work quickly to establish trusting and nurturing relationships between staff & children; children & their peers; and staff & families. Staff are attentive and responsive using skill, empathy, encouragement and ambition to settle children and develop their learning.

We recognise and celebrate that each child is unique and comes to us with a range of different experiences. Our provision supports and values the diverse range of needs and dispositions of all children. We make sure that we know every child as an individual.

We aim to provide a broad, well-balanced, play-based early years’ curriculum which considers each child's individual needs, enabling them to become enthusiastic self-motivated learners. We are responsive to individual children’s learning needs and interests. Children are encouraged to become independent learners. They use all their senses to explore real hands-on activities and then process this information to form their own ideas and make sense of the world.

We know that developing confident and effective speech & language skills is pivotal to all future learning and focus strongly on facilitating this throughout our ongoing daily practice & provision, including home learning, as well as smaller interventions.

We recognise that the future can be uncertain so we value the development of transferable skills through the characteristics of effective learning. We encourage a can-do approach to challenges and developing new skills.?