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Frith Manor School

PTA How Can You Help?

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Become A Class Rep:

Class reps are essential to help us liaise with parents at the school. They are our link to each form group. As a class rep, you could help to raise volunteers for our events, coordinate collections for games prizes, and improve our avenues of communication. 

Attend Our Meetings:

We have regular meetings to discuss our upcoming events. Look out for the dates of any meetings in our newsletters and text messages. Anyone is welcome to attend our meetings and we encourage you to share your own ideas.

 Join Our Committee

The 7 parents on the present committee all joined at the start of this academic year, and so we are relatively new in our posts. We have tried to be proactive, efficient and open in our approach, but are constantly looking for ways to improve. With more members, we can!

If you would like to join us, and play a main role in the running of the PTA please get in touch: Email:

...or, you can speak to any one of us in person, at drop off, pick up, or any other time.

 Volunteer For An Event

We are always looking for volunteers to help at our events. Whether is be setting up, running a stall or helping to clear away at the end, any assistance is always welcome. You do not have to come with any particular skills, and even half an hour of your time is highly appreciated!

 Get Involved In Organising An Event

All our events take a lot of organisation before the day. Any help would be much appreciated. This could involve harnessing support or acquiring raffle prizes from local businesses, making signs & banners, folding raffle tickets for our Tombolas, or running your own stall. 

Give Us Your Ideas

We appreciate you may not have time to spare but your head maybe brimming with fund-raising ideas. These ideas are important to us, please do get in touch. 

Have A Board For The Summer Fair

We are lucky to have an ongoing sponsorship of our Summer Fair with Real Estates, in exchange for approximately 40 estate agent boards being put up outside local houses advertising the event. These boards go up 3 weeks before the fair and are taken down the week after. If you are able to have a board outside your house next year, please do let us know.

 Shop Via Easy Fundraising

If you shop online, Easy Fundraising is a very easy way to make money for our PTA, at no cost to you. It is a cashback website for registered charities, whereby retailers such as John Lewis, Argos, eBay, M&S and Amazon, send us a free donation, when you shop on their sites.

Next Time You Shop, please visit:

 Like Us On Social Media

Each like, comment or retweet makes us more visible to the wider community & local businesses, who in turn may advertise in our brochure, attend an event, or donate a raffle prize. 

Make A Regular Donation

In some ways, the most simple way to help is to make a donation. Any amount you wish to donate would be gratefully received.  You can donate by:

-direct debit,  (forms available from the office)

-Parent Pay, (select PTA contributions).

-cheque, (payable to Frith Manor PTA, dropped into the school office). 

Gift Aid

Gift Aid can boost our funds considerably.  If you are a UK taxpayer, we are able to claim 25p in every pound that you donate to our PTA.  All that is required is for you to tick the box and sign the declaration to confirm you are a UK taxpayer, on the direct debit form. That’s it! There will be no extra cost or effort for you.

 Matched Funding

This is a simple way of maximising the fundraising efforts of the PTA.

Many organisations have a match funding policy. If yours does, then any money you raise could be matched by your employer. Some companies may match the fundraising total for an event, others for the stall that their employee is working on. Usually, the employee will need to supply them with a letter from the PTA detailing the date, event, and total raised

Please email us on if your company operates a matched funding scheme. 


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